
Something is going to happen?

In England since Oct.5th 2012 & much much closer to Brighton Hove then Oak Square.
I've been here short of a year. I'm home sick, I miss my family, friends, the birds,
 I hope we get back somewhen soon.
This isn't the reason I finally got my keyboard clicking on this neglected blog which as it happens has to be edited a few dozen times for improper wrapping of the text and has more views & traffic then I expected, thanks.

I've come to post about this user I  just  when to check out on Youtube it seems that s
ince 2010 the channel user name Pronunciation Book has been posting  pronunciation videos.
 Lexicon the likes of Om, banana, Macklemoretsundere, Utz, Etsy, Sigur Ros, bird, Twilight, Jean, facade, Beyoncé, zoology, herbs, Happy Passover ... a variety of words and phrases to the tune of 944 videos and one pending...
The words, names & holiday greetings appear on a white background with bold black text reminiscent of a day by day  desk calendar, you know the type that look like a large Post it block or at least I think it does.

Then 2 months ago, on July 9th, 76 days  ago to the day they or he, she (?) started posting a count down starting with 77 to September 24. We are told something is going to happen in 77 days, there is some sort of machine type noise then it ends,  It's exactly 18 seconds long.

How to pronounce 16;   lots of views and very few ratings,
up or down that is unusual -  20,544 

A greeting for a morning... remember a time...a ritual for business....
Draw a facet of your co-workers dream..A meditation of a city... show a picture ...
before sleeping...when was a time I made a careful choice... a song for the stars.., pull a petal from a flower... pluck a flower from a pot....tell the sky your days adventures...ask the sun about the moon... tell the stars you're coming soon, something is going to happen, in 16 days.

  Poetic yet very Oddly chilling, strange and perplexing, I was curious about what the YT users name may bring I bunged "Pronunciation Book" into my favourite anagram maker.

453 candidate words found:
1. pronunciation 
2. conurbation  ~
{A predominantly urban region including adjacent towns/ suburbs; a metropolitan area.}
3. incubation 
4. conniption 
5. coronation 
6. ruination 
7. urination 
8. incubator 
9. probation 
10. bankrupt 
11. abortion 
12. inaction 
13. continua 
14. optician 
15. buckaroo 
16. partook 
17. caribou 
18. utopian 
19. curtain 
20. anionic 
21. nitpick 
22. auction 
23. robotic 
24. outrank 
25. pontoon 
26. outcrop 
27. outback 
28. unction 
29. unicorn 
30. bannock 
31. oration 
32. caption 
33. puritan 
34. botanic 
35. pronoun 
36. nutpick 
37. patroon 
38. apricot 
39. crouton 
40. opinion 
41. cookout 
42. contain 
43. caution 
44. portion 
45. contour 
46. portico 
47. cartoon 
48. inborn 
49. tarpon 
50. option 
51. captor 
52. cannon 
53. bonito 
54. biotin 
55. citron 
56. uproot 
57. biopic 
58. bionic 
59. anoint 
60. cation 
61. obtain 
62. ironic 
63. nuncio 
64. nation 
65. potion 
66. toucan 
67. bunion 
68. notion 
69. carbon 
70. napkin 
71. backup 
72. utopia 
73. pronto 
74. proton 
75. turnip 
76. carton 
77. canton  ~ hmm the  77th word.
78. punkin 
79. abrupt 
80. nutria 
81. cannot 
82. outran 
83. unpack 
84. aortic 
85. rubato 
86. rubati 
87. turban 
88. troika 
89. octopi 
90. unborn 
91. niacin 
92. tropic 
93. bronco 
94. uptick 
95. patron 
96. pinion 
97. action 
98. coupon 
99. cantor 
100. racoon 
101. ration 
102. catkin 
103. corona 
104. tannin 
105. incubi 
106. uncork 
107. catnip 
108. uncap 
109. ratio 
110. about 
111. topic 
112. unpin 
113. okapi 
114. inapt 
115. trick 
116. picot 
117. crank 
118. canto 
119. kraut 
120. brunt 
121. batik 
122. pubic 
123. bunco 
124. court 
125. piano 
126. actor 
127. troop 
128. truck 
129. count 
130. print 
131. prick 
132. prank 
133. urban 
134. track 
135. carpi 
136. intro 
137. carob 
138. optic 
139. taboo 
140. porno 
141. incur 
142. trunk 
143. canon 
144. tunic 
145. point 
146. copra 
147. cabin 
148. piton 
149. bairn 
150. tonic 
151. bract 
152. tabor 
153. pinon 
154. curia 
155. bunko 
156. cairn 
157. panic 
158. antic 
159. baron 
160. crunk 
161. cubit 
162. tapir 
163. bruit 
164. robot 
165. robin 
166. patio 
167. croon 
168. crook 
169. croak 
170. tibia 
171. ionic 
172. cobra 
173. input 
174. baton 
175. pinto 
176. paint 
177. kaput 
178. boron 
179. bacon 
180. brook 
181. turbo 
182. brick 
183. anion 
184. bruin 
185. abort 
186. unbar 
187. onion 
188. train 
189. orbit 
190. union 
191. acorn 
192. apron 
193. capon 
194. brink 
195. brain 
196. bronc 
197. runic 
198. krona 
199. burnt 
200. curio 
201. pinko 
202. croup 
203. pout 
204. tiro 
205. bock 
206. tick 
207. tarp 
208. riot 
209. conk 
210. trap 
211. pita 
212. pick 
213. pica 
214. back 
215. uric 
216. aunt 
217. cook 
218. tabu 
219. noun 
220. runt 
221. capo 
222. pair 
223. atop 
224. nook 
225. brat 
226. tuck 
227. ruin 
228. tarn 
229. nick 
230. punt 
231. tack 
232. okra 
233. nark 
234. narc 
235. trio 
236. boat 
237. akin 
238. coin 
239. punk 
240. knot 
241. knob 
242. burp 
243. cunt 
244. rick 
245. pint 
246. rack 
247. pain 
248. taco 
249. bait 
250. rout 
251. bark 
252. iran 
253. iota 
254. pour 
255. bank 
256. tipi 
257. into 
258. rapt 
259. knit 
260. pock 
261. porn 
262. pant 
263. noon 
264. trip 
265. rant 
266. boot 
267. rani 
268. boon 
269. ikon 
270. icon 
271. abut 
272. boor 
273. tuba 
274. oink 
275. rank 
276. upon 
277. obit 
278. iron 
279. anon 
280. carp 
281. buck 
282. rook 
283. puck 
284. cant 
285. rain 
286. crop 
287. anti 
288. unto 
289. part 
290. crib 
291. root 
292. born 
293. crab 
294. cart 
295. poor 
296. coup 
297. rock 
298. tank 
299. pork 
300. roan 
301. corn 
302. cork 
303. bani 
304. burn 
305. coot 
306. coop 
307. coon 
308. orca 
309. unit 
310. park 
311. bout 
312. torn 
313. boar 
314. port 
315. bunk 
316. onto 
317. rink 
318. turn 
319. crap 
320. pink 
321. coat 
322. tuna 
323. ciao 
324. bran 
325. curt 
326. barn 
327. pact 
328. curb 
329. bunt 
330. tour 
331. kart 
332. taro 
333. book 
334. auto 
335. pack 
336. took 
337. con 
338. bin 
339. pro 
340. coo 
341. top 
342. car 
343. pub 
344. nor 
345. tab 
346. not 
347. orb 
348. cut 
349. cap 
350. can 
351. urn 
352. ink 
353. bat 
354. but 
355. pit 
356. rut 
357. cop 
358. rib 
359. inn 
360. cob 
361. kin 
362. nub 
363. arc 
364. bun 
365. rip 
366. opt 
367. oar 
368. run 
369. bur 
370. cur 
371. pot 
372. rat 
373. bro 
374. rap 
375. nib 
376. tun 
377. tin 
378. put 
379. tub 
380. bra 
381. cat 
382. out 
383. obi 
384. rub 
385. bop 
386. bar 
387. pun 
388. cot 
389. pic 
390. boo 
391. our 
392. ort 
393. nap 
394. tor 
395. boa 
396. bit 
397. rot 
398. too 
399. oat 
400. bio 
401. ran 
402. nab 
403. air 
404. tip 
405. cab 
406. act 
407. tic 
408. irk 
409. kip 
410. tau 
411. ton 
412. ion 
413. poi 
414. ban 
415. tar 
416. oak 
417. tap 
418. ant 
419. nut 
420. tan 
421. nun 
422. auk 
423. ani 
424. pin 
425. kit 
426. art 
427. ark 
428. pan 
429. apt 
430. nip 
431. rob 
432. nit 
433. par 
..... on & on 
☮,☮ it covers so many words that one name Pronunciation Book 

This has me very curious I did a search and found this Site on theories about PBook, they started back at in the 67 day( if I remember correctly).

Here in  England we have 13 hours till the 24, less then 1 days to figure it out.
Thus far I gather they don't live in on this side of the pond (I could be wrong) I'm thinking whomever this is is somewhere in eastern or pacific time zones, in the US? It's creepy & disconcerting but then again a lot of what's going on in this world is whatever this is, this something stay safe!

The only disaster here in Southern England at the moment would be a natural one, That's if & that's a Big If the sun  come out...  so not to worry about us we've been in the clouds for the whole month of September.
Dad, I'm thinking of you & I always do on every 23rd, it's your day Dad, I miss and love you. xo

1 comment:

  1. We will see, probably a promo for some materialistic something or other maybe a game thing.
    The anagrams are good & plenty for this one word. I'll have to try my hand.
    Thanks for posting.

    Went to edit to say I hate the captcha, it so blurry, I guess they think only robots can see well!


Go on, have your say.