
What happened, a game aka art installation.

 On days 1, yes that how they pronounced it days 1

↴ This is what happened: ↴

It's odd even absurd to see some people were disappointed, something dreadful didn't happen.
While others see the September 24, 2013 7.8 on the richter scale 
     Location; 27.016°N 65.547°E also listed as 7.7 by most earthquake in  Pakistan which prompted the rising of an island as being what happened on the 77th day. 

 image: Latif Baloch

Some comments on Youtube claim the earthquake didn't even happen until the 27th, missing the first 7.8 earthquake entirely confusing it with the 6.8 event which also occurred in Awaran District, Balochistan claiming 400 (W) lives, more than the September 24th earthquake.
Whilst both earthquakes on the 24 and again on the 28, were massive natural disasters for the people of Pakistan killing many, other look for prophetic meaning and a connection to PronunciationBook on youtube, which is an art installation and video role playing game.
 Westerners can really be / are so out of touch with what happens  in the rest of the world even within the very world they live in.

"Pakistan's Met office measured the  earthquake at 7.2, while the US Geological Survey (USGS) recorded it at 6.8 on the Richter Scale. 
Tremors were felt in provincial capitals Karachi and Quetta."
Times of India.

Stealing Mother Earth's thunder.

The comments on youtube  speaks volumes leading me to wonder, as does the inability to say what these quakes where on the richter scale, given all of that how can anyone believe an ancient novel on so called historical events and truths, when some people can't even get their facts straight on a couple of earth events that took place days ago, and countries to agree on the scale.

End of this one.

More links on & about pronunciation book.

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